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Radio Casteldebole weekly: Serie A, “the show must go on”
While the entire world is still struggling against the Coronavirus, some countries like Germany, China and Spain are slightly trying to resume some crucial activities, even if the number of infected and deceased is still very high, with more than 30.000 deaths in the USA. The European Union, through the President of the European Commission, Ursula von Der Leyen, has apologized to Italy, remarking that at the beginning of the emergency too many countries have turned their back instead of helping each other. Giuseppe Conte, the Italian Prime Minister has also announced that the lockdown will pursuit until the 4th of May and that the resume of social and economic activities will take place gradually, depending on the spread of the virus.
Meanwhile, football in Italy has now more than a chance to resume, almost every club would like to end the 2019-2020’s championship, otherwise the losses for the economic field that football has created would have a domino effect on the entire system. The F.I.G.C.’s president, Gabriele Gravina has been clear: «If there are going to be all the necessary conditions to resume the championship, Serie A will be the first one, followed by serie B and C. It is possible that the training can take place after the 4th of May, when the quarantine will be over and consequently, after around one month, the championship could restart.»
It’s all up to the Italian Minister for Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora, who will decide if the protocol presented by the scientific committee at the F.I.G.C. chaired by Roberto Cauda (infectious diseases’s professor at the Cattolica University), Massimo Fantoni (primary physician Covid-19 at the Gemelli’s hospital), Walter Ricciardi (WHO’s member and counselor at the Minister for Health), and Francesco Vaia (chief medical officer at the Spallanzani’s hospital) is suitable for these circumstances. If he approves this action program, the collective trainings may start, which could mean a concrete possibility for serie A to restart again.
Bologna F.C.’s side. Claudio Fenucci, has started to discuss with the team captain, Andrea Poli, about the cut wages which will allow the club to save around 10 million of euros. Next week Bologna’s CEO will have individual meetings (on Skype) with every single player, trying to find an arrangement concerning their salaries. On the other hand, all the players of the team have proved to be very mature and responsible, knowing how critical the situation is for everyone. Besides that, the arrangement for the financing granted by the Credito Sportivo needed for the renovation of the Renato Dall’Ara is almost ready, the Covid-19 won’t stop Bologna F.C.’s growth.
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